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Opening the gate to a world of fragrance

Fragrance is another way to experience life, adding another dimension to our life. Our olfactory system of smell & smelling has been described as a library, that grows, whenever a new aroma is detected, it is logged in the olfactory library of our brain.

Our sense of smell affects our mood, stress levels, focus & cognition. Electrophysiological (ECG) studies reveal that various fragrances affect brain activities & cognitive functions.

Many of us can relate to those memories ā€˜out of nowhereā€™ triggered by an aroma. Exactly how this happens is still a mystery to scientists, they have discovered that the olfactory system is directly connected to the emotional part of our brain & many subjective experiments have shown us how specific fragrances altered the mood & how the subjects felt in its presence.

Truly the dimension fragrance brings to our lives is important.

The scientific law of resonance shows us that vibrations tend to rise to meet higher vibrations. Did you know that natural fragrances made with pure natural extracts resonate at very high-frequency vibrations, research shows that high-grade essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man... that is why when you inhale a high-frequency aroma from a natural plant extract like that you feel good! 


The partnership between plants & us runs deep & timeless & natural fragrance can revitalise our bond with ourselves & nature through our most primal sense. Botanical fragrance is an expression of our plant-human relationship & interconnectedness & Nature invites us to play with her at the olfactory level providing us with a fascinating palette of aromas to explore.

Our sense of smell affects our mood, stress levels, focus & cognition. Electrophysiological (ecg) studies reveal that various fragrances affect brain activities & cognitive functions.

Exactly how this happens is still a mystery to scientists. Still, Albert Einstein gave us a good starting point when he proposed that 'everything in life' comes down ~ or preferably up to ~ vibrational frequencies!

Albert Einstein proved that beyond & throughout the material realm we see, hear, touch, feel & smell everything is energy, vibrating at different frequencies - Including the molecules in our bodies.

The most common unit of measure for frequency is the Hertz, which is one vibrational cycle per second, and amazingly feelings can be measured in Hertz too. We are vibrating at a higher frequency when we are experiencing feelings of love, peace, appreciation, and exhilaration & it is super interesting that we cannot experience these high vibrational feelings at the same time as those vibrating at lower frequencies such as anxiety, stress, and fear. Truly the dimension fragrance brings to our lives is important.

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